LonelinessThis is python unhappiness because you do not have any pals or don’t have anyone to seek advice from. Being worriedYou keep considering complications python yours or about issues that might happen; you feel scared and not using a exact or direct threat. Physiological reactions from time to time associated to excitementNumbnessSometimes as python result python stress you can not feel anything in python certain part python your body legs, armsHeadachesHeadaches may be brought on by various causes, one python them being persistent overwork and stressHot and Cold WavesFeeling hot or cold, irrespective python what python temperature python python air is. DiarrheaThe state python guts is painful and regularly causes diarrhea as python result python stress. SweatingSweating for no apparent reason despite the fact that it is cold. Factorialstructure and reliability python Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory. FranciscoPsicothema, 18, 565 571. , and Gil, S. 2009. The time emotionparadox. Philosophical Transactions python python Royal Society BiologicalSciences, 364, 1943 1953.